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Sir Louis Pasteur's Day

 Who can say microbiology will be complete without Louis Pasteur? His work in this science is so irreplaceable that you can't go further in microbiology if you didn't consider his discoveries and inventions. He's a celebrated father of microbiology and germ theory. No lab is complete without a picture of Pasteur on its wall. The painting of Pasteur (in which he is holding a jar containing the spinal cord of a rabbit infected with rabies which he later used to develop a vaccine against rabies!) was painted by Finnish painter Albert Edelfelt. That's where the legendary portrait came from. Some 30 institutes, a large number of schools, hospitals, buildings, and streets in France bear his name.  Pasteur had initially started out as a chemist. He discovered the concept of "Chirality" in chemical compounds. When he left chemistry and entered microbiology, he gave the world solid evidence that germs-and, not evil spirits or miasma-cause illnesses. The mos

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