Prapti More,
Forensic Science,
Science Club RSML.
April 27th 2021.


Extraction DNA from blood is extremely straightforward in laboratory today. The sample of blood is treated with detergents to interrupt open the semipermeable membrane spilling thecontents.Enzymes are currently wont to break down all the macromolecule ribonucleic acid sugars and fats within.The answer grain alcohol (alcohol) is often used in final stages of DNA extraction as under the right.Cognitions as DNA will dissolve into it but other componence Of the cell wall not allowing the separation Of DNA be used for analysis.


Young leaves of Conan glauca and marica paniculate; flower bud of zinnia elegans; kartar
And pasties liquid nitrogen; 2x CTAB buffer; 1.5 ml centrifuge tube chloroform isoamyl alcohol (CTA;
24:1); isopropanol; wash.


0.1 g of fresh young leaves of canna glauca and musical paniculata and flower bud of
zinnia. Elegant; was weighed and was cut into smaller. Pieces. The tissue was frozen speedily in nitrogen
and. Employing a mortar and pasties tissue was grinded into powdery form.


Observing the agarose gel in the presence of UV light result the visualization of bright
Mortgage bond of due to the fluorescence of broom phenol blue and ethidium bromide cut DNA are
Present for away from the starting point & uncut DNA are running small distance in gel due to large
size.This experiment would be a compulsory experiment in background stream so that student can
perform good in the laboratory.


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