Live Life "MICROBE" Size!

It is always said to “Live life king-size” but today we’re telling you to live your life MICROBE sized. Though they are toooo small that we can’t even see them with naked eyes, there are a number of things they do for us and indirectly teach us the values of selflessness and charity. The word ‘selflessness’ may have made you laugh but tell me which yeast remains alive after helping you bake bread and cakes? Yeast cells die between temperatures 55 degrees and 60 degrees Celcius while most bread is cooked at hundred degrees celsius. This is just one of the simplest examples.


Having 10 times more microbial cells on and inside of our body than our own, we have an inevitable everyday interaction with microbes. Imagine having a ground cover around your house and no unnecessary weed will grow, the same manner microbes that live in and on us cover and protect us from other pathogenic ones. Some microbes in our gut even help us boost our immunity. Researches suggest some species of bacilli that have their home in our gut bind to immune system cells and stimulate them to divide and reproduce. Even with age, if your immunity weakens, a treatment is developing which introduces bacillus spores in your gut. These microbes are believed even to potentially help the body to fight cancerous tumors.

As microbes train our immune system, their complete eradication from our body may alter the body’s ability to differentiate between itself and foreign invaders. A recent study on type 1 diabetes suggests that imbalance or disturbance in the microbial community may trigger the autoimmune disease which causes the body to kill the cells that produce insulin. A study at Cornell University showed that when a benign strain of E. coli was introduced in diabetic mice, it set off a domino effect that led them to produce insulin. This work could be the inception of a new evolution in diabetes treatment medicines. Someday microbial yogurt could replace insulin shots for diabetic individuals! 

All these microbes (some good, some evil) that surround us, teach us many values that we need to walk with. They teach us how to survive in extreme conditions of life (Archaea survive at extremest conditions on the planet). They teach us how to live and die for others. They teach us how to live in a community and how a little imbalance in a community leads to everyone’s end. They teach us to be the fittest so that we could beat Darwin. They teach us to live the life we love and love the life we live. Otherwise, who’d have loved this life if nobody would have ever fallen ill with some disease? The diseases they cause teach us the value of our life and when we get our lesson, they even help us produce vaccines against themselves! (Such noble little beings!)

Why can’t we just be like them? (I don’t mean MICROSCOPIC or UNICELLULAR!!!) 

Think upon it! Tell your thoughts to us in the comments, you can also write to us using the contact form on the left sidebar. We’d love to hear from you. 

Magazine Editor,



  1. Yeah!!
    one should live the life of microbial size . Each nd every act of nature teach us lessons in many ways , just one must have that attitude to learn the things from others then that can be anything .
    " Such Noble Little Beings" 🤩


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